A really useful course. I particularly like how the principles are put into practice through the presentation. I am looking forward to unpicking the different areas in more detail over the next 2 weeks - and refining our assessment and lesson observation procedures as well as revisiting Rosenshine’s principles with staff.
Learn about:
How lesson observations can be used within the context of the Ofsted framework to help judge the quality of education. Using 12 principles, Chris will give you a comprehensive overview of the research Ofsted has used to create its inspection framework and provide 30 areas of focus for you to choose from when observing lessons.
- Explore 12 principles of effective teaching and Learning
- A menu of 30 things to look at lessons
- Based on the latest research into effective teaching
- Referenced to the latest inspection framework
Why this course is important:
This is an evidence-informed course which explores the research Ofsted used to create its current inspection framework. It covers:
- The research Ofsted has used in creating its framework
- The implications for classroom practice
- Examples of what to look at in lessons
- CPD ideas to help you develop teachers’ expertise.
Advance your understanding of:
- Long-term memory and the importance of prior knowledge in a teaching sequence.
- Why it is that some things are easier for students to learn than others and how teaching approaches need to take account of this.
- How cognitive load theory can be incorporated into decisions about teaching
- Why novices think differently to experts and how this can affect progression
- The importance of appropriate tasks
- The role of processing in helping students to remember curriculum content
- Techniques to reduce extraneous cognitive load, including teacher input and the learning environment
- Features of effective feedback (also with reference to workload)
- How assessment should relate to your curriculum intent
- How assessment must be useful and not lead to burdensome workload
- Effective in-lesson adaptations
- The role of subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in effective teaching.
Take away:
- 30 Practical ‘What to look at’ in lessons prompts, all condensed into a simple ‘cheat sheet’
- Many examples that show you what to look out for in lessons
- CPD ideas to help you to develop teacher expertise
- A comprehensive reading list to further your understanding of the key principles.
Enquire about a consultant delivering this course to your school/cluster
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Booking Options
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- Book now for Chris to deliver this course online
- Enquire about one of our team delivering this course in-person at your school

A super combination of pedagogy and practical application. I did this course in February and have just revisited it in preparation for the new school year. Great for challenging thinking from what some of us may well have trained in and believed in the past.