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Deep Diving into Foundation Subjects

For many years, curriculum design in primary schools has focused on making content real, relevant, engaging and fun. Whilst there is nothing wrong with any of these things there has been a huge shift towards one of the biggest problems with learning: unless something is remembered in the long term it hasn't been learned; it has been experienced, and just because the curriculum is real, relevant, engaging or fun doesn't mean that it will be learned.

Created and Led by
Chris Quigley
9.30-3.00 or equivalent
Online or in-person
Target Audience
Teachers, Senior & Middle Leaders

Learn about:

  • Every aspect of curriculum design, through 14 questions and example answers
  • The latest research evidence around effective curriculum design
  • How to confidently answer questions about curriculum principles, sequencing and progression
  • The curriculum from all aspects: senior leaders, curriculum leaders, class teachers and students.
  • Questions to evaluate your curriculum
  • Detailed explanation of answers
  • Comprehensive summary of research findings

Why this course is important:

For many years, curriculum design in primary schools has focused on making content real, relevant, engaging and fun. Whilst there is nothing wrong with any of these things there has been a huge shift towards one of the biggest problems with learning: unless something is remembered in the long term it hasn’t been learned; it has been experienced, and just because the curriculum is real, relevant, engaging or fun doesn’t mean that it will be learned.

It is this thinking that underpins Ofsted’s deep dives into curriculum design.

This course will help you to articulate how your curriculum is designed for long-term memory.

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What would you like to do?

  1. Book now for Chris to deliver this course online
  2. Enquire about one of our team delivering this course in-person at your school

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All our courses are based on peer-reviewed research.
Practical and inspiring
Practical and inspiring
We bridge the gap between evidence and practice.
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