![Update relacement-SOS Pack](/images/product/update-relacement-sos-pack.png)
6 Books, 6 Success-o-meters, 8 Sticker Sheets & CD
Some call it ‘Learning Power’, some call it ‘Habits of Mind’ and some call it ‘Attitudes to Learning’. We call it ‘The Secrets of Success’. This pack gives pupils the chance to read and learn about what will make them successful learners, successful friends and successful in their adult life. The big secret is that there are only 8 things that children need to learn in order to achieve life-long success. This pack will teach children to see the importance of: Trying New Things, Working Hard, Concentrating, Pushing Themselves, Imagining, Improving, Understanding Others and Not Giving Up. The pack comprises 6 guided reading books, 6 success-o-meters, a teachers companion CD which includes clipart images, an interactive big book for whole class presentations, assessment materials and activities. Ideal for 7-13 year olds.
Pack now includes 8 sheets of recognition stickers for each character. CD now includes certificates, note paper and postcards for each character.
Secrets of Success Sample PagesSize: 2MB
Secrets of Success ExampleSize: 124KB