A sound approach that covered everything from the research underpinning, how to develop a strategic overview and then what this looks like in the classroom. Very easy to register and be part of - thank you!
Learn about:
- The importance of vocabulary for academic success, employment and well-being
- How to create a whole-school vocabulary spine
- How to introduce new vocabulary to students
- Activities to deepen students’ understanding of vocabulary.
- Discover the pressing need to teach vocabulary
- Learn how to create a whole-school vocabulary spine
- learn how to best teach and deepen understanding of vocabulary
Why this course is relevant or important:
Researchers Law and Charlton from the University of Newcastle found that the wider and deeper one’s vocabulary:
- The the better one’s reasoning and pragmatic skills become
- The better one’s chances of academic success and economic well-being become
- The greater the likelihood of better mental health and well-being.
This and other research form the basis for this evidence-informed course.
Advance your understanding of:
- The research that shows the importance of vocabulary
- The importance of a wide, rich curriculum to support vocabulary acquisition
- The benefits of a whole-school vocabulary spine
- Categories of words for the vocabulary spine
- The importance of introducing Greek and Latin root words to even the youngest students.
- Effective teaching methods to introduce vocabulary.
Take away:
- A comprehensive understanding of the research into vocabulary acquisition
- 10 approaches to create a whole-school vocabulary spine
- 23 activities to deepen understanding of vocabulary.
Booking Options
The prices above are the total amount you will pay for your group plus VAT.
Just select Pay by Invoice and enter the required information.
You have 30 days to pay your invoice.
If your selected date to access the course is prior to 30 days we will still grant you access to the course and your invoice is payable in line with our Terms and Conditions.
If you have selected 1-5 delegates, for example, but you only enter the details of 2 of the delegates now, you will have the option to add additional delegates via your CQE account up until 48 hours prior to your requested course start date.
Pay by Invoice

This course has been phenomenal in explaining the ideology of infusing rich vocabulary which was clearly presented, research based and of value.
Fantastic! I would highly recommend this course. It offers lots of practical ideas and templates that can be taken straight into the school and classroom with lots of evidence and theory to back these up with.
Excellent - totally relevant and brilliant! Research based practical whole school tools to infuse and embed ambitious vocabulary. Brilliantly presented and explained with superb examples with a scintillating flair. Inspired to share key messages with my staff to benefit our pupils. Thank you.
Has helped me to refine own thinking and given me some valuable guidance on where to read more.
Useful daily activities to practice. Word lists will present a good starting point for subject leaders.
Practical elements to be used across the curriculum in a workable manner. Feeling excited!
Reignited my love of words and language.
Deep thinking about the systematic planning for vocabulary in the lesson. Loads of ideas!
Strong research bank to intellectualise evidence and suggestions.
Developing conceptual understanding and making connections to prior knowledge was useful. A very informative course. I will leave with a much deeper understanding of how we teach vocabulary and immerse children in rich language.
Dovetailed well with other training around curriculum development.
The approaches to developing tier 2 and 3 words were useful.
Food for thought!
Love the examples. Great presentation. Great resources to use in class with useful analogues.
Rethinking whole approach to curriculum now!
A comprehensive and well-structured approach. Infusing vocabulary across the curriculum.