Chris delivered a bespoke session on breaking down lessons to promote retention, not just imparting knowledge for foundation subjects. The school are using Rosenshine's principles of instruction but need to break these down for pupils with visual examples for subjects.
All content was very useful but particularly practical strategies and modelled examples of how to implement different principles. Excellent, informative and inspiring.

Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction
A professor and expert in Educational Psychology, Barak Rosenshine identified the methods and approaches used by the most successful teachers. This poster provides a helpful summary.
The links made to Rosenshine were very useful as many schools have already covered this in recent years. We quite liked the golden sentence ideas and how this approach could support pupils with SEN show their full understanding in a safe way. This is something we look forward to trialling. Robin was a great speaker who presented the Five a Day- supporting pupils with additional needs in a mainstream class course in an engaging and enthusiastic manner. We know we are always getting a high level of competence and quality when we book with Chris Quigley Education. I would rate our booking very highly - the booking process is clear and communication is a strength. Thank you for a great morning.